The Sad Tale Of Turpentine
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Turpentine was ubiquitously used as a home remedy for all manner of things. It was an extremely effective treatment for many common, and difficult-to-treat, ailments.
But then, the big, bad cronies of the Pharmaceutical industry, down at the government, put a stop to all of that. Turpentine was far too effective, far too affordable, and totally unpatentable… which are all of the things that big, bad Pharma and the nasty old government don’t like.
So they waged a PR war on Turpentine, using people’s taxpayer money to turn them against the affordable and safe benefits of Turpentine, effectively banishing it from the home remedy kingdom forever… relegating it to the mundane world of home improvements, for thinning paint and cleaning brushes. And, there it languishes to this day… its brilliance forgotten.
Frankincense Essential Oil To The Rescue
The reason why Turpentine is such an effective treatment for so many conditions is because it is full of a natural chemical called Pinene. If you search for this word in Google, this is what it says:
Pinene has many potential benefits. It can act as an anti-inflammatory, promotes pain relief and relaxation, aids in memory and respiratory function, and may reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses.
But this is only the beginning of what Pinene is capable of. It’s just too bad that Turpentine, down at the good old hardware store, isn’t fit for human consumption. Those good ol’ bad guys, made sure of that…
But, guess what? Frankincense Essential Oil has nearly as much Pinene as Turpentine, and it is fit for human consumption! (As long as you buy it from a reputable UK essential oil company, like Wild As The Wind.)
Frankincense Essential Oil should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet!
Amazing Frankincense Feedback
The following Frankincense Essential Oil review can be found on the Ethically Sourced Frankincense Serata Essential Oil product page on the Wild As The Wind Shop Website.
“I was looking for a good quality frankincense essential oil originally to help with pain management and relaxation, I'm happy to say that this oil met my expectations and has helped in my recovery from a severe infection. I was told by doctors that I may have cancer so started researching natural cancer treatments and frankincense kept coming up. I decided to mix it with dmso and colloidal silver to make a potent healing gel which I applied to my lower abdomen twice a day. Now when I had an MRI scan it showed I had an abnormal growth in my womb that was invading my bladder and colon, the doctors seemed pretty convinced it was cancer, however not long after the scan I had an examination of my cervix and the doctor was very confused because the growth was no longer present and my womb seemed normal. Frankincense is now my go to essential oil and will carry on purchasing it from Rachel, I trust the products she sells and love how dedicated she is to sharing valuable knowledge on natural healing.”
Wild As The Wind carry a number of different Frankincense Essential Oils.
Organic Frankincense Serata Essential Oil
Organic Frankincense Carteri Essential Oil
ON SALE: Ethically Sourced Frankincense Carteri Essential Oil - distilled in the UK from resin obtained from Somalia
ON SALE: Ethically Sourced Frankincense Serata Essential Oil - distilled in the UK from resin obtained from Somalia
Ethically Sourced Olibanum Carteri Essential Oil - distilled in France from resin obtained from Somalia
Wild As The Wind also sell Frankincense Resin.
Turpentine Resin Essential Oil
As of September 2024 Wild as The Wind started offering a very high quality Turpentine Essential Oil
The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth
The whole truth and nothing but the truth maybe required in a court of law, but it’s definitely considered surplus to requirements by a government that protects the interests of corporations above the welfare of the people.
Because of this, I always find it so difficult to compose information about essential oils online.
There’s SO MUCH that I’m not allowed to say, despite there being a welter of scientific research to support many of the claims I’m not allowed to make.
It’s frustrating in the extreme… And depressing!
All I want to do is help as many people as possible to overcome serious life events and medical challenges, but the powers that be make it very difficult.
That’s why reviews like the one above are so vitally important!
Thank you, once more, to those of you who have provided feedback in an effort to help others. It is this community spirit and humanity that is needed now, more than ever.
My gratitude is unending. x x x x x
The image below is of a Frankincense tree, also known as a Boswellia Tree. The image above is of Frankincense resin, which is used to make Frankincense Essential Oil, via a process of steam distillation.
Featured Article
The following article provides an excellent means of establishing what health issues you have, very quickly.
5 Body Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies
Most Popular Product Of The Month
Somewhat unsurprisingly, Raspberry Seed Oil, in both forms, has been the most popular product of the month of May:
And, the Organic Sun Tanning Essential Oil Blend, which is formulated to be added to Raspberry Seed Oil, and other UV Protective Carrier Oils, has also been very popular.
I’m really glad to know that people are using these products instead of many of the cancer-causing conventional sun creams out there.
Long may the sun shine!
(I’m actually going to have a beach day tomorrow, so I will have my Raspberry Seed Oil with Sun Tanning Essential Oil Blend mixed in it, and my Wildcrafted Organic Rosehip in my bag.)
Because I work at the weekends, I get to go to the beach when it’s less busy. There’s an upside to everything!
Much love,
Rachel x x x x
Thanks Heather. x x x You might like to read this one too…? The terpenes in Frankincense and Turpentine are thought to be beneficial…